Fruits Multi-Coin Wallet Update. Hi Everyone. We have officially released our Fruits Multi-Coin Wallet.

02 Jun 2022, 06:38
✨Fruits Multi-Coin Wallet Update✨ Hi Everyone!☀️ We have officially released our Fruits Multi-Coin Wallet🚨 Now, users will have access to Bitcoin (BTC) & Ethereum (ETH) on their Fruits Wallet☺️ ⚠️*If you did not make a Fruits Multi-Coin Wallet during the Beta Stages, your old Fruits Wallet will become a “FRUITS-only Wallet” where you will only have access to FRTS, Smile Coins, and Seed Tokens. User’s will be required to create a new wallet address to have access to the Fruits Multi-Coin Wallet🙇‍♂️ Why is this a BIG step?💁‍♂️ FRUITS will be releasing our own DeFi features soon, which will include features such as an original DEX and staking features👨‍💻 So please stay tuned for more features to come!🌍🍎🍊🍒🥝