■ProBit Hard Fork Update■. Hi Everyone. We have received an update from ProBit on the current hard fork situation.

27 Jul 2022, 16:00
■ProBit Hard Fork Update■ Hi Everyone!☀️ We have received an update from ProBit on the current hard fork situation. ProBit has finally finished the hard fork and has swapped all the FRTS from ERC20 to our original blockchain FRTS. In addition, the Fruits HQ has already sent the ProBit team all the split FRTS that was applied for via ProBit Global application form. So, we are now in the process of waiting for ProBit to finish distributing those FRTS to those who applied. Once the distribution is completed, ProBit will open the withdrawal/deposit for FRTS. However, as usual, ProBit has not provided us a specific date on when the distribution will finish, and we are still waiting for a reply. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause, and we thank you very much for your continued support. We will update everyone again once we hear back from ProBit.